Harare Vendors Fear Eviction Ahead Of SADC Summit

As Zimbabwe prepares to host this year's SADC summit in Harare, vendors based in the CBD are panicking as government threatens to displace them

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Poverty Causes Early Marriages | #DearCouncillor

Do you have anything you would want to say to your Councillor? Check out Emzingwane residents' letter to their Councillor James Jimara Sibindi

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Mbare’s Letter To Zanu PF’s Maburutse | #DearCouncillor

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Epworth Residents Demand Clean Water | #DearCouncillor

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Warren Park MP Replies To Residents’ Open Letter | #DearMP

In this episode of #DearMP, Warren Park's legislator Shakespear Hamauswa replies to residents in his constituency to address their issues. https://youtu.be/FwTEuhNqj30

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Warren Park MP Replies To Residents’ Open Letter | #DearMP

In this episode of #DearMP, Warren Park's legislator Shakespear Hamauswa replies to residents in his constituency to address their issues.

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Is Zimbabwe Prepared To Fight Climate Change?

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Following up the State of the Nation Address, our team set down with His Excellency, in an exclusive interview to find out how prepared the Zimbabwean government is to mitigate…

Tapped Troubles: Borehole Drilling Amid Contamination in Harare

We delve into the paradoxical solution of borehole drilling, a lifeline for water-scarce communities, yet carried out in areas tainted by pollution.

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From Rust to Revival: Man Breathes Life into Generators

Check out how Paul Kachingwe is making a living from fixing old generators https://youtu.be/qUsPUAd8q2E

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